Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds
At Touchstone, we recognize the importance of developing the whole child. Health, wellness, and the development of physical literacy are important elements in our curriculum.
Our physical education program includes yoga, dance, and outdoor pursuits.
Each class has time for physical education classes every day. In addition, extended recess periods allow our students to enjoy unstructured physical activity outdoors on our large playground.
Daily Phys Ed
Daily physical education gives students the opportunity to develop skills that will allow them to stay healthy and active, while preparing them for participation in a broad range of sports or physical activities throughout their lives.
Our well rounded physical literacy program covers all fundamental movement skills through a variety of games, sports and community excursions. After school opportunities are also offered through school district jamborees and workshops led by community coaches.
Touchstone students enjoy weekly dance lessons with Touchstone teacher Ms. Marcia, who is also a professional dancer.
Students explore their creativity and body awareness, and build and strengthen their movement skills.
While an expression of art, dance is also recognized for its therapeutic benefits and its importance to the development of the whole child
Outdoor Pursuits
At Touchstone Academy, we expand the idea of “the classroom” and embrace the natural environment that surrounds us.
Outdoor learning fosters creativity and cooperation that is fuelled by imagination and wonder.
Such appreciation and understanding of the natural world could never be replicated in a typical classroom with four walls.
Big Gym
Each week, Touchstone students head across the street to Rothesay High School for a class led by Grade 12 leadership students.
The large gymnasium allows more students to play together safely, exploring sports and skills with different facilitators and new equipment.
Recess is a crucial and necessary part of a child’s socialization, learning, health, and happiness.
During outdoor play children learn valuable communication skills, like negotiating, cooperating, and coping skills.
Our students spend more than an hour outside each day.
Healthy Food
Kids need a balanced diet to ensure they have the nutrients needed for growth and brain development. Healthy snacks and lunches at school also help develop positive eating habits. Whether they order from our optional hot lunch menu or bring in their own food from home, at Touchstone, kids always eat food that is good for their growing bodies.
Vegetable Gardening
Our students enjoy the full process of planning, preparing, planting several large vegetable beds each spring.
As the weeks pass, we watch, water and weed as the plants grow. Through the summer, the preschool classes and summer camp students enjoy maintaining the plants and starting to harvest the vegetables.
There are always lots of yummy and healthy things still growing in September when students return, ready to complete the harvest!